Kirkstone Pass, Lake District

August 12, 2021 Kirkstone Pass

August 12, 2021 Kirkstone Pass

In the English Lake District in Cumbria, England, there is a mountain pass called Kirkstone Pass. The height above sea level is 1,489 feet. The highest road pass in the area is on the A592, which runs between Ambleside in Rothay Valley and Patterdale in Ullswater Valley. The gradient of the road is almost one in four.

We began at the top of the pass and worked our way down via car; the lighting was ideal; we could see Ullswater at the bottom of the valley. Then, just to our left, we spotted a pull-in parking lot where we could quickly take a picture. Sometimes the snaps taken quickly are the best. So I knelt by the side of the road while being pushed by a gust of wind, and we started at the top of the pass. the lighting was just right; I waited, Sure enough, the sun came out at the right spot, and I snapped away.

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