Fiery Orange Autumnal Leaves

We explored the Arley Arboretum and Gardens located in Bewdley in the West Midlands, which is known for some incredible tree species, and I was awestruck by the sheer variety and beauty of the trees on display. I had one goal in mind on this day: to photograph the different trees, capture their beauty, document the rich diversity that Arley Arboretum had to offer, and take a close-up with my 58mm fixed manual lens. We spent the next few hours wandering around, taking pictures, capturing the vibrant colours of these majestic trees, and feeling the pleasant sunlight filtering through their leaves. We came across this Japanese maple with vibrant, rich, fiery orange autumnal leaves, and I could not resist the urge to take a picture. The lighting was just right, so I snapped a close-up shot with a soft edge around the group of leaves.


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