What is Christmas really about?

What is Christmas really about?

Christmas time is one of the most amazing events of the year, but are we overwhelmed by certain aspects of the lead-up to the BIG DAY?

Are our Christmas photographs showing everyone we are enjoying ourselves?

Did I manage to get that incredible Christmas landscape photo?

The question I’m breaking down is: What is Christmas really about?

Christmas is a time around the world when people give and receive gifts, spend time with loved ones, and eat too much Christmas food. But the lead-up to Christmas can be stressful for some people.

Who feel obliged to buy something worthwhile and meaningful to others.

Sometimes buying expensive goods or something that isn’t needed.

What’s worse is that social media and TV advertisements brainwash people into buying items.

Now let’s think about what Christmas is really for.

It’s to spend time with people you love and buy a “token” gift.

Top Tip

A top tip I recently discovered.

Is that if someone you love tells you during the year that they like, want, or need something, write it down.

Then you can buy them for Christmas.

Another thing is the power of the internet and online shopping. We have instant access to a lot of items such as Amazon Prime, eBay, and any other online retailers you can think of. Then at the press of a button, we can buy whatever we like at any time of the year without hesitation. So when it comes to Christmas, we don’t really want or need anything. Do we hold out on getting things throughout the year and wait for birthdays and Christmases? I’ll let you be the judge of that.

Also, as we know, it’s more tailored for children, and it’s magical moments for them, letting them get excited about the event, all about Santa and wish lists and gifts and toys.

Try not to stress too much about Christmas; it should be about the experiences you have and spending time with loved ones—a time for reflection and gratitude. Showing gratitude this time of year and throughout life should be an important trait that everyone should learn.

Being grateful for what you have is what gratitude entails. It is a grateful attitude toward learning, loving, and being. It is also being grateful for the little things that happen around you and within you daily. To be grateful is to be in awe of the beauty of the world and to accept life as a gift.

This is a powerful statement about gratitude and how we need to change our attitude toward gratitude. 

“When we remember a special Christmas, it is not the presents that made it special, but the laughter, the feeling of love, and the togetherness of friends and family that made that Christmas special.”

Catherine Pulsifer

Try to be more grateful this Christmas and many Christmases to come.



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