Relearn the fundamentals and foundations of photography

So I recently bought a course on Udemy to learn and possibly relearn the fundamentals and foundations of photography. It’s surprising when you go back to the basics and reassess and realise something you’ve missed in the past that you may or may not use. Anyway, I’ve been learning about
the need to generate and create my own style. What photography niches do I like to take pictures of? Growing into my style is essential. To be able to share my photos with other photographers for honest feedback, consider joining a community or a group. Finally, I’ve set realistic goals for what I want to achieve in my photography journey.

I’ve relearned the importance of photographing what impresses and interests you. Which is especially important when you want to attract potential clients. Learned about getting constructive feedback on your photographs. This will aid your development as a photographer. I learned about developing my own distinct style, which will set me apart from every other photographer out there. The most important aspect of goal setting as a photographer is. What direction do you want your photography to take, and what do you want? And consider what I want to want. Learnt about quality and how important it is to present flawless photos on your website and to potential clients.

So there you have it. That’s my progress so far. I still have more sections to learn, and I’ll try to keep you posted with more progress updates.

Keep learning


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