Mental Readiness // Tips to Help You Prepare for Your Photography Business

In this post I talk about being mentally ready to go into photography, having a solid foundation mentally is important, getting your head around the fact you’ll be in it for the long run, working for yourself, being creative, trying to be an entrepreneur etc.

This topic I’ve come up with well it might be already out in the world but it’s already there I’m writing talking about photography mindset photography mental health photography mental readiness, photography virtues whatever you want to call it…

how to mentally prepare yourself for photography as a hobby and photography as a business!

For me the reason why I’m doing these journals is from is for me to answer my questions because I have questions in my head that hopefully, people relate to and hopefully people can get an answer from it and as I’m thinking about the questions I’m having sometimes the answers aren’t on YouTube or google and YouTube, google and written articles.

There are so many there are heaps and heaps of amazing people online talking about photography talking about how to do it as a business talking about how to set up a studio talking about a wedding photographer landscape there are tons of really high-quality content out there and there are some professional people out there with some amazing content to tell you how to run the business or how to start in photography.

But… I’ve quite not yet found for me a video or information that talks about the mental side of it the mental health side of it the mental readiness of it mentally preparing yourself for it so that is what I’m trying to do I’m trying to create the videos and journal to answer those questions for people and people might not be struggling with the mental side of it but for me, you’ve got to be mentally prepared to realize and understand that you’re going into something that’s not going to take overnight it’s not going to be an overnight thing it’s not going to be a week thing a month thing a year thing it’s going to take a few years and I understand that now.

I appreciate that myself so I’m going to try and answer the questions that people might be looking for mental health and the mental readiness side to it so we’re going to talk about the why, the roadmap to look at, self-doubt as well because a lot of self-doubts comes in being creative learning from others, an action plan realizing are we good enough how do we meet the cuts do we meet the standard of what professional photography is, talking about a growth mindset self and esteem and how growth mindset is important knowing yourself worth and respect your worth and why is important and not only that we’re talking about all different mindset things and talking about all sorts of things to do with the mindset.

Because I think a photography mindset is so important and I haven’t found anybody out there for me yet so why not answer my own questions by thinking through my thoughts so yeah hopefully, this helps we’re going to start putting some videos and content up about that we have started to put some videos up about it on our YouTube channel, written journals on our website also, we’re putting shorts on YouTube as well showing our adventures because obviously, we’re not talking just about mindset there’s so much mindset we can talk about and mind flow and getting into the flow and getting your mind around the fact that you’re going into photography.

If you are interested in that field so yeah that’s what we that’s the route we’re going down and I hope to help others do the same obviously, we are also sharing things like travel things about going out and taking photos we might say some slide shows and much so some behind-the-scenes stuff which we have been doing and as we’re on a shoot and as we’re on location I do have thoughts, for example, the one piece of content I can think of is about my flow how water is good for mine flow how water is like mind flow you want to be like water mind flowing not mindset not stuck in a rut basically.

So yeah… I think I’m rambling on a bit but yeah at our angle we’re trying to be how to think about your mindset and how to get mentally prepared so probably photography mindset or photography virtues or something like that I’m going to come up with a title eventually and hopefully in the future we’ll put some more lessons in some more advice in some more ideas to think about so yeah hope you enjoyed this post I hoped it helped hope to explain what we doing.

Get your mindset right!


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