Humans are a creature of habit

1. The Influence of Weather on Human Behaviour:

Humans are creatures of habit; when it rains, people moan and go inside. But as soon as the sun comes out, we’re attracted like moths to light, and we all burst outside. Our behaviour in response to weather patterns is deeply ingrained within us. The familiar routine of seeking shelter during rain and embracing the warmth of the sun reflects our innate inclination towards comfort and enjoyment of pleasant conditions. We like how our toast is cooked and the colour of our tea. Drinking coffee in the morning and brushing their teeth before bed. 

2. Comfort in Familiarity:

These habits extend beyond our daily routines. Humans often seek comfort in familiarity, gravitating towards the same genres of music, movies, and even fashion styles. Our preference for consistency and predictability is deeply ingrained in our nature.  

3. Embracing Change for Growth:

People prefer routine, and when a plan goes wrong and throws the balance of habit and routine off, it’s fate that it happens for a reason; there’s an underlying lesson to change the habit. By breaking free from our usual routines and habits. We open ourselves up to new experiences and growth opportunities. We learn to adapt and embrace change as a result of these unexpected disruptions, which ultimately leads to personal development and a broader perspective on life. 

4. The Influence of Landscape Photography:

Human habits can have a significant impact on photography, particularly landscape and nature photography. Understanding human behaviours and routines, for example, can help you capture shots when the lighting is optimal and the locations are less crowded. Being aware of popular hiking trails or viewpoints can also lead you to locations that resonate with people and have the potential to sell prints or offer photography classes. Keeping an eye on human habits can therefore significantly improve your photography business prospects.


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