A Tour of Brockhampton Estate: From Gardens to Manor House


If you’re looking for a virtual escape to the tranquil beauty of the English countryside, then you don’t want to miss our latest YouTube video tour of Brockhampton Estate. This 687-hectare farmed estate located in the heart of Herefordshire is a hidden gem that will transport you back in time to the late 14th century.

At the center of Brockhampton Estate stands the Lower Brockhampton Manor House, a romantic timber-framed house surrounded by a moat and accessed through a charming gatehouse built in the 16th century. The estate’s 21-acre traditional orchard is a must-visit, where you can explore miles of accessible paths that take you through the park, woodlands, and orchards, featuring ancient trees and the picturesque Lawn Pool.

In this virtual tour, you’ll discover the history, beauty, and natural wonders of Brockhampton Estate, from the ancient trees to the stunning landscapes of the Herefordshire countryside. Whether you’re a nature lover or a history buff, Brockhampton Estate has something for everyone.

Join us on this journey to Brockhampton Estate, and we guarantee you’ll be captivated by the timeless charm and tranquillity of this breathtaking destination.

Read more: A Tour of Brockhampton Estate: From Gardens to Manor House

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